Jun 29, 2006


Koyokuykatl era el otro nombre de Carlos Cortez; un artista grafico chicano al cual decidi conocer sin tomar en cuenta que la vida pasa mas rapido que el tiempo. Este grabado es un homenaje a un artista cuya obra refleja su vida y sus ideales.

Jun 23, 2006

Dead End

Last year Division ST was closed for construction for almost a year. This is how I felt every time I needed to bike near Downtown.
This print was auctioned yesterday at the Grandville Academy for the Arts, I'm glad somebody found it funny.

Jun 20, 2006

Mural at Ada Vista Elementary

This mural is at Ada Vista elementary school, and is about the creation story according to the aztecs. The story is called "The fifht sun".

Jun 15, 2006


These prints are about our past and current relationship with our food, especially our Corn.
Estos grabados los hice cuando me di cuenta de lo que habian hecho con nuestra comida, principalmente nuestro Maiz.

Jun 14, 2006


Public Art: "Tapete"

This piece was created with the collaboration of 5 Mexican local artists at Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids MI. We were concerned with the situation at the US- Mexico border, where hundreds of people have died in search for a better life.
Those who don't die physically at the border, die emotionally at the factory; becoming just an extension of a bigger machine.
Esta pieza la creamos 5 artistas mexicanos en Calder Plaza, Grand Rapids MI. Queriamos hacer publica nuestra preocupacion respecto a la situacion en la frontera de Mexico-EEUU donde cientos de personas habian muerto tratando de cruzarla.
Pero aquellos que no mueren fisicamente en la fruntera, lo hacen emocionalmente en la fabrica al convertirse en una extension mas de la maquinaria.

What prevents us from that emotional death are our traditions, and our culture; where the language plays an important function in the creation of our identity.
Lo unico que nos salva de la muerte emocional son nuestras tradiciones y nuestra cultura; en la cual nuestro lenguaje tiene un papel fundamental en la creacion de nuestra identidad.
This piece was created to say all that.
We used traditional symbols, colors and grains (corn and beans)
Esta pieza la creamos con todo eso en mente, utilizamos simbolos , colores y semillas tradicionales (frijoles y maiz)


This was the image on my birthday invitation. There are no analogies, I just like hydrants.